
 What's Next?  11/23/09

Water; it’s the newest gold rush. Worldwide, we spend between 50-100 billion dollars on bottled water, each year. We see it for sale everywhere, because it’s better for us and tastes much fresher. There are countless companies selling this sparkling resource. So the question has arisen, what is the next gold mine? This is a possible choice and outcome of this new industry.

A young entrepreneur, named Jimmy, strikes inspiration, as he watches a re-run of the Thursday news. Quickly, he runs outside with a bottle and captures some air, but not just any air, fresh air! Jimmy then markets this bottle for $1. After selling a few more, he starts a business that bottles and sells the air for a dollar. People buy it, because, lets face it: it’s a lot better then that rusty, old tap air.

Soon, the news of his success spreads and others start to mimic and build off his idea. Now we go to the store and there is such a selection. We can buy Jimmy’s generic, fresh air, the new Mountain Spring Air, filtered, or even flavored air! Each is set in their own price range, because none are the same.

Quality always matches price, so we purchase the expensive Mountain Spring Air. We personally don’t like the flavored air’s hideous aired down flavors anyway and the mountain air must be better, after all it costs more. Scientists even say it’s better.

Trying steal some of these company’s successes, new companies come into the spotlight that let everyone filter their own air at home, strait out of the sky! Everyone says it tastes the same and is healthy, but still we persist, knowing that bottled is superior.

A debate then erupts over if the bottled air is better or if it’s the same a tap. The lines are drawn, as each side is dead set on their views. World War 3 starts when the activist join, saying that its wrong to capture the air, ‘It should be set free!’

So, what is the future for bottled air? Maybe a few world premieres, showing off the new designs of air. Perhaps we can have air fashion shows, though we know all the clothing will be see through. Bottled air may also get its own web site and take up social networking, so its fans can constantly stay up to date.

Whatever the future holds for air, lets hope it still includes the nice, fresh, tap air. It’s air the way it should be and always has been, after all.